Specializing in heroic fantasy, sword and sorcery, space opera, sword and planet, horror, and children’s books, Joe has published a number of short stories and novels, and has authored five (unsold) screenplays. At one time he was a board member of the Chicago Screenwriters’ Network, where he lectured on the history of science fiction, horror, and fantasy in films, as well as on writing screenplays. A retired rock and roll guitarist and songwriter from the Golden Age of 1964-1984, he was born and bred in Chicago, IL, where he still resides. Besides writing, Joe is an avid reader and owns an extensive collection of films on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Joe Bonadonna has short stories in Heroika: Dragon Eaters, Poets in Hell, Doctors in Hell, Pirates in Hell and Lovers in Hell. He is also the author of the heroic fantasies Mad Shadows-Book One: The Weird Tales of Dorgo the Dowser (winner of the 2017 Golden Book Readers’ Choice Award for Fantasy); Mad Shadows-Book Two: Dorgo the Dowser and the Order of the Serpent; Mad Shadows-Book Three: The Heroes of Echo Gate; the space opera Three Against The Stars; the sword and planet space adventure, The MechMen of Canis-9; and the sword & sorcery adventure, Waters of Darkness, in collaboration with David C. Smith. With co-writer Erika M Szabo, he wrote Three Ghosts in a Black Pumpkin (winner of the 2017 Golden Books Judge’s Choice Award for Children’s Fantasy), and The Power of the Sapphire Wand. He also has stories appearing in: Azieran—Artifacts and Relics; GRIOTS 2: Sisters of the Spear; Sinbad: The New Voyages-Volume 4, Here Be Ghosts, and Sha’ Daa Toys, in collaboration with author Shebat Legion. In addition to his fiction, he has written a number of articles and book reviews for Black Gate online magazine.
Visit his Amazon Author’s page at: www.amazon.com/Joe-Bonadonna/e/B009I1KYIK
His Facebook author’s page is called Bonadonna’s Bookshelf, at: https://www.facebook.com/BonadonnasBookshelf/
Heroika I: Dragon Eaters
The art of dragon killing:
Dragons have been eating humans for centuries. Now heroes throughout history stalk their legendary foe. Learn how to hunt, kill, and eat the wild dragon. Never before has revenge tasted so good. A literary feast for the bloody-minded.
In Janet Morris' anthology on the art of dragon killing, seventeen writers bring you so close to dragons you can smell their fetid breath. Tales for the bold among you.
HEROIKA 1 -- DRAGON EATERS, an anthology of heroic fiction edited by Janet Morris, features original stories by Janet Morris and Chris Morris, S. E. Lindberg, Walter Rhein, Cas Peace, Jack William Finley, A.L. Butcher, Travis Ludvigson, Tom Barczak, J. P. Wilder, Joe Bonadonna, Milton Davis, M Harold Page, William Hiles, Beth W.Patterson, Bruce Durham, and Mark Finn.
More info →Doctors in Hell
Damned souls wail as plagues wreak havoc, doctors up their fees, snake-oil salesmen make a killing, and Satan turns his hit-man loose. Be there when Erra, the Babylonian plague god, and his seven personified weapons, spread terror throughout the underverse!
Rookie authors write prescriptions for perdition, while veteran hellions diagnose the damned: Deborah Koren, Andrew P. Weston, Janet Morris, Joe Bonadonna, Matthew Kirshenblatt, Chris Morris, Michael H. Hanson, Rob Hinkle, Jack William Finley, Bill Snider, Richard Groller, Paul Freeman, Nancy Asire.
Victor Frankenstein and Quasimodo develop a vaccine — with diabolical results. Satan looses Daemon Grim, the Devil’s personal hit man, and damned souls cower. Bat Masterson finds himself caught between plague victims and Wyatt Earp. Judas learns you can’t teach an old dog new sins. Calamity Jane and her Sinchester carbine defend hell’s last uninfected outpost. Nietzsche and Lilith, Adam’s first wife, face the Beast and come to fiendish accord. Doc Holliday tries one last gambit, and unleashes all hell’s fury. And there’s worse to come, even an excerpt from bestselling author Andrew P. Weston’s forthcoming Heroes in Hell novel! If you think life is tough, try the afterlife, where the doctor is always wrong, sinners never win, misery runs amok, and all hell’s damned get their just deserts — eternally.
The Wager – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
The Cure – Chris Morris
Grim – Andrew P. Weston
The Right Man for the Job – Deborah Koren
Memory – Nancy Asire
What Price Oblivion? – R.E. Hinkle
In the Shadowlands – Richard Groller
Let Us Kill the Spirit of Gravity – Matthew Kirshenblatt
Pavlovian Slip – Bill Snider
Hell on a Technicality – Joe Bonadonna
Convalescence – Michael H. Hanson
Hell Noon – Paul Freeman
The Judas Book – Jack William Finley
Writer’s Block – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
A Moment of Clarity – Andrew P. Weston
Poets in Hell
The best, the worst, and ugliest bards in perdition vie for Satan’s favor as poets slam one another, Satan’s Fallen Angels smirk up their sleeves, and the illiterati have their day. Find out why the damned deserve their fates as Hell’s hacks sink to new poetical depths! The first Bible writer drafts a deal with the Devil. Attila the Hun learns his punishment’s just begun. Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein make a monstrous mistake. Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp get their unjust deserts. Hell’s Undertaker goes on holiday. The Damned Poets Society slams away. A nameless soul shows Dorothy Parker that fame is a bitch.
In the underworlds, injustice always reigns: Join us and our damnedest poets for the crookedest poetry festival in perdition where language comes to die and no rhyme goes unpunished.
Words – Chris Morris
Seven Against Hell – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Reunion – Nancy Asire
Hell-hounds – Bruce Durham
The Kid with No Name – Jack William Finley
All Hell to Pay – Deborah Koren
Poetic Injustice – Larry Atchley, Jr.
When You Gaze Into an Abyss – Matthew Kirshenblatt
Pride and Penance – Tom Barczak
Grand Slam – pdmac
Undertaker’s Holiday – Joe Bonadonna and Shebat Legion
Red Tail’s Corner – Yelle Hughes
Faust III – Richard Groller
Tapestry of Sorrows and Sighs – Bill Snider
Haiku d’État – Beth W. Patterson
A Mother’s Heart – Bill Barnhill
We the Furious – Joe Bonadonna
Damned Poets Society – Michael H. Hanson
All We Need of Hell – Michael A. Armstrong
More info →Pirates in Hell
The depths of hell chill the boldest sinner as damned souls learn why the deeper in hell you go, the colder it gets.
Twelve tales of piracy in the Heroes in Hell universe, created by Janet Morris and spun by Janet Morris, Chris Morris, Nancy Asire, Paul Freeman, Larry Atchley Jr, Rob Hinkle, Michael H. Hanson, Joe Bonadonna, Andrew P. Weston, S.E. Lindberg, and Jack William Finley.
Bitter Business – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Pieces of Hate – Andrew P. Weston
Evil Angel – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Who’s a Pirate Now? – Nancy Asire
Curse of the Pharaohs – S.E. Lindberg
Lir’s Children – Paul Freeman
Unholiest Grail – Larry Atchley, Jr.
The Bitter Taste of Hell’s Injustice – Jack William Finley
Serial Recall and Beautiful Tortures – Michael H. Hanson
Drink and the Devil – Rob Hinkle
The Pirates of Penance – Joe Bonadonna
Muse of Fire – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Hell Hounds (excerpt) – Andrew P. Weston
More info →Lovers in Hell
Shakespeare said “To be wise and love exceeds man’s might,” and in Lovers in Hell, the damned in hell exceed all bounds as they search for their true loves, punish the perfidious, and avoid getting caught up in Satan’s snares. In ten stories of misery and madness, hell’s most loveless seek to slake the thirst that can never be quenched, and find true love amid the lies of ages.
Story list:
Never Doubt I Love – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Love Interrupted – Nancy Asire
Lovers Sans Phalli – S. E. Lindberg
Fume of Sighs – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Calamity – Michael E. Dellert
Love Triangle – Michael H. Hanson
A Hand of Four Queens – A. L. Butcher
Devil’s Trull – Andrew P. Weston
Withering Blights – Joe Bonadonna
Wrath of Love – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Excerpt from Hell Gate – Andrew P. Weston
Mystics in Hell
Mystic Madness!
Join the doomed on their vision quests in eleven stories by the damnedest writers in Perdition: Janet Morris; A.L. Butcher; Joe Bonadonna; Andrew P. Weston; Gustavo Bondoni; Seth Lindberg; Tom Barczak; Michael H. Hanson; Louis Antonelli; Christopher Crosby Morris.
Mystics in Hell is the latest volume in the notorious Heroes in Hell series of anthologies and novels created by Janet Morris.
A Frame of Mind - Janet Morris and Chris Morris
The Come Right Inn - Andrew P. Weston
Abode of Woe - A. L. Butcher
Fool's Gold - S. E. Lindberg
The True Believer - Lou Antonelli
By Any Means Necessary - Gustavo Bondoni
Excalibur - Tom Barczak
On the Run - Michael H. Hanson
The Sorcerous Apprentice - Andrew P. Weston
The Colossus of Hell - Joe Bonadonna
Strange Arts - Janet Morris and Chris Morris
More info →Liars in Hell
Hell is a real place. Anyone who has broken a commandment winds up there. That's pretty much everybody.
Satan is the boss. You're okay until you're not. But never fear, all your friends are here. As well as everyone you've ever heard of.
For what they have been up to lately, be sure to check in. Thrill to new stories by Hell's damnedest: Janet Morris, Andrew P. Weston, Michael H. Hanson, S. E. Lindberg, Joe Bonadonna, Chris Morris, and Richard Groller.
The Seven Degrees of Lying - Janet Morris & Chris Morris
The Liar, the Witch, and the Ward Robes - Andrew P. Weston
Bait and Switch - S.E. Lindberg
Fibbers in Hell - Michael H. Hanson
The Münchhausen Trilemma - Richard Groller
Hell’s Bells - Joe Bonadonna
School of Night - Janet Morris & Chris Morris
More info →Monsters in Hell
In the Heroes in Hell series, Monsters in Hell continues existing plot lines and relates new stories with characters from all epochs of human history as they struggle against torment and even more common problems derived from their unique personalities and backgrounds. But wait, things are changing, even for the Devil and his subordinates, in ways that will cause exciting change, if not outright liberation . . .
The Green-eyed Monster - Janet Morris & Chris Morris
The Pied Piper of Harmelin - A.L. Butcher
Dogs of War - S.E. Lindberg
The Tarnished Horde - Joe Bonadonna & S.E. Lindberg
From Hell to Eternity - Joe Bonadonna
Fire in the Blood - Chris Morris & Janet Morris