February Specials

Lovers have a way of upsetting the status quo and creating turmoil, which in turn makes for great storytelling. This month Perseid’s authors show you how they take advantage of dysfunctional love affairs and the chaos they leave in their wake. Join us for explorations of all types and genders as they play their parts in the never-ending cycle of love lost and found.
February’s Feature

In OUTPASSAGE, abductees from Earth are put to forced labor on a distant planet. Harsh conditions lead to the deaths of workers, some of whom are dragged mysteriously into layers of rock. Days later they reappear, transformed and strangely adapted to their newTales of risk and glory, past, present and future, figure in the latest Sacred Band novelized anthology that includes the new title novella, The Fish the Fighters and the Song-girl. Tempus and his Sacred Band won the battle of their dreams, but now the time has come to count the cost and face consequences in fifteen tales, old and new, of the iconic Sacred Band of Stepsons. The collection is comprised of the last six classic Sacred Band stories from the million-selling shared universe, Thieves’ World®. Plus, here are nine new adventures available nowhere else. lifeforms. Sgt. “Det” Cox and Paige Barnett are swept up in a resurrection revolution that returns to Earth for an unexpected climax.