Christopher Crosby Morris (born 1946) is an American author of fiction and non-fiction, as well as a narrator, composer, and singer-songwriter. He is married to author Janet Morris. He writes primarily as Chris Morris, but occasionally uses pseudonyms.
Chris Morris began writing music in the sixties, fiction in the eighties, and nonfiction in 1989. Much of his fiction and nonfiction, including all of his book-length science fiction and fantasy, has been written in collaboration with his wife Janet Morris, including two novels under their joint pseudonym of Daniel Stryker and one novel under the pseudonym of Casey Prescott. He has contributed stories to the shared universe series Thieves’ World, Heroes in Hell, and Merovingen Nights and co-authored with Janet Morris five titles in the Sacred Band of Stepsons series.
Under his full name Chris has narrated two Perseid titles for Audible audio books, I, the Sun and The Sacred Band.
Chris Morris writes words and music in multiple idioms. His first recorded band’s members were Janet Morris, Leslie Kuipers and Vinnie Colaiuta. The Christopher Morris Band album, (MCA 2282), produced by Al Kooper and featuring the Tower of Power horn section, was released on MCA Records. The album’s nine songs included eight of his originals and one Otis Redding tune and was Billboard Magazine’s Top Album Pick for its release week.
Enjoy his music here: https://www.n1m.com/christophercrosbymorris or
here: https://www.Soundcloud.com/christopher-morris
I, The Sun
From palace coups in the lost city of Hattusas to treachery in the Egyptian court of Tutankhamun, I, the Sun, the saga of the Hittite King Suppiluliumas, rings with authenticity and the passion of a world that existed fourteen hundred years before the birth of Christ. They called him Great King, Favorite of the Storm God, the Valiant. He conquered more than forty nations and brought fear and war to the very doorstep of Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt, but he could not conquer the one woman he truly loved.
More info →Heroika I: Dragon Eaters
The art of dragon killing:
Dragons have been eating humans for centuries. Now heroes throughout history stalk their legendary foe. Learn how to hunt, kill, and eat the wild dragon. Never before has revenge tasted so good. A literary feast for the bloody-minded.
In Janet Morris' anthology on the art of dragon killing, seventeen writers bring you so close to dragons you can smell their fetid breath. Tales for the bold among you.
HEROIKA 1 -- DRAGON EATERS, an anthology of heroic fiction edited by Janet Morris, features original stories by Janet Morris and Chris Morris, S. E. Lindberg, Walter Rhein, Cas Peace, Jack William Finley, A.L. Butcher, Travis Ludvigson, Tom Barczak, J. P. Wilder, Joe Bonadonna, Milton Davis, M Harold Page, William Hiles, Beth W.Patterson, Bruce Durham, and Mark Finn.
More info →The Sacred Band
The Sacred Band of Thebes lives on, a world away, in this mythic epic of love in war in ancient times. In 338 BCE, during the Battle of Chaeronea that results in the massacre of the Sacred Band of Thebes, Tempus and his Stepson cavalry rescue twenty three pairs of Theban Sacred Banders, paired brothers and lovers, to fight on other days. These forty-six Thebans, whose bones will never lie in the mass grave that holds their two hundred and fifty-four brothers, join with the immortalized Tempus and his Sacred Band of Stepsons, consummate ancient cavalry fighters, to make new lives in a faraway land and fight the battle of their dreams where gods walk the earth, ghosts take the field, and the angry Fates demand their due.
More info →Storm Seed
Hot off the presses, the "lost" volume of the iconic Sacred Band series in an all-new Author's Cut edition. High adventure awaits in Storm Seed by Janet & Chris Morris: - Travel with the Sacred Band of Stepsons to a future undreamed. - Meet the changeling son of Tempus and the Froth Daughter. - Learn what it takes to become a dragon. - Bring gods to a godless realm. Tempus the Black, avatar of the Storm God, and his partner Niko reunite the Sacred Band for a mission to a dying world. And from there -- should the gods allow -- to mystical Lemuria.
Praise for the Sacred Band series: "Janet Morris, Tempus (1987), and, with Chris Morris, Tempus Unbound (1989), The Sacred Band (2010). "A fantasy series about the Sacred Band of Stepsons, an elite army modeled on the fourth-century B.C.E. Sacred Band of Thebes. The stories explore the fraught personal relationships of mixed hetero- and homosexual troops, only sometimes paired, as they fight for their commander, the immortal Tempus. Morris includes archaeological and historical details, from physical items to social practices, religion, and philosophy, to create a fantasy world that is, in many ways, more historically accurate than many popular accounts of antiquity." -- Robert W. Cape, Jr, in Classical Traditions in Science Fiction, Brett M. Rogers & Benjamin Eldon Stevens, eds., Oxford University Press
More info →Tempus Unbound
Is this the Lemuria of antiquity, or of times to come? Once you've ridden the storm clouds of heaven from the edge of time, anything is possible. Demonic hordes threaten to destroy the very fabric of time itself.
The fate of all humanity rests on the shoulders of Tempus the Black, Favorite of the Storm God. But even this hero of legend will encounter a challenge he has never faced before . . . present-day New York City.
More info →City at the Edge of Time
Join Tempus and Niko on the triple shores of land, sea, and eternity . . .
Where a young girl trembles between love and sorcerous obsession . . .
Where a prince's refusal to admit his flaws makes him a pawn of hell . . .
Where a city of immortals learn that Death has not forgotten it . . .
In the catacombs beneath a warlock's citadel, swords and courage face the jaws of demons -- with a girl's life and a god's vengeance resting on the outcome.
"An exciting and brilliantly colored sortie . . ." - David Drake
More info →Lovers in Hell
Shakespeare said “To be wise and love exceeds man’s might,” and in Lovers in Hell, the damned in hell exceed all bounds as they search for their true loves, punish the perfidious, and avoid getting caught up in Satan’s snares. In ten stories of misery and madness, hell’s most loveless seek to slake the thirst that can never be quenched, and find true love amid the lies of ages.
Story list:
Never Doubt I Love – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Love Interrupted – Nancy Asire
Lovers Sans Phalli – S. E. Lindberg
Fume of Sighs – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Calamity – Michael E. Dellert
Love Triangle – Michael H. Hanson
A Hand of Four Queens – A. L. Butcher
Devil’s Trull – Andrew P. Weston
Withering Blights – Joe Bonadonna
Wrath of Love – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Excerpt from Hell Gate – Andrew P. Weston
Pirates in Hell
The depths of hell chill the boldest sinner as damned souls learn why the deeper in hell you go, the colder it gets.
Twelve tales of piracy in the Heroes in Hell universe, created by Janet Morris and spun by Janet Morris, Chris Morris, Nancy Asire, Paul Freeman, Larry Atchley Jr, Rob Hinkle, Michael H. Hanson, Joe Bonadonna, Andrew P. Weston, S.E. Lindberg, and Jack William Finley.
Bitter Business – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Pieces of Hate – Andrew P. Weston
Evil Angel – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Who’s a Pirate Now? – Nancy Asire
Curse of the Pharaohs – S.E. Lindberg
Lir’s Children – Paul Freeman
Unholiest Grail – Larry Atchley, Jr.
The Bitter Taste of Hell’s Injustice – Jack William Finley
Serial Recall and Beautiful Tortures – Michael H. Hanson
Drink and the Devil – Rob Hinkle
The Pirates of Penance – Joe Bonadonna
Muse of Fire – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Hell Hounds (excerpt) – Andrew P. Weston
More info →Lawyers in Hell
Heaven lays down the law and Hell gets more hellish as the greatest shared universe of all time makes its malevolent return. Souls you hate to love and souls you love to hate reunite for Lawyers in Hell, in twenty-two infernal tales from the underworlds, where Injustice must be served.
Story list:
Interview with the Devil – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Tribe of Hell – Janet Morris
The Rapture Elevator – Michael Armstrong
Out of Court Settlement – C.J. Cherryh
Revolutionary Justice – Leo Champion
Tale of a Tail – Nancy Asire
And Injustice For All – Jason Cordova
Measure of a Man – Deborah Koren
The Adjudication of Hetty Green – Allan F. Gillbreath
Plains of Hell – Bruce Durham
The Register – Michael H. Hanson
Island out of Time – Richard Groller
Appellate Angel – Edward McKeown
With Enemies Like These – David L. Burkhead
The Dark Arts – Kimberly Richardson
Heads You Loose – Michael Z. Williamson
Check and Mate – Bradley H. Sinor
Disclaimer – John Manning
Orientation Day – Sarah Hulcy
Remember, Remember, Hell in November – Larry Atchley, Jr.
Theo Khthonios – Scott Oden
Erra and the Seven – Chris Morris
Rogues in Hell
Hot on the heels of Lawyers in Hell, the New Hell Sinday Times bestseller, comes ROGUES IN HELL… The war heats up, Satan antes up, and rogues go adventuring as Hell’s landlord faces off with Heaven’s auditors. Veteran Hellions sin again and new writers fall from grace: Shirley Meier, Bradley H. Sinor, and Michael Z. Williamson.
Babe in Hell – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Which Way I Fly is Hell – Janet Morris
Downtown Run – Nancy Asire
Madly Meeting Logically – Michael A. Armstrong
Library Redux – Sarah Hulcy
A Hatful of Dynamite – Deborah Koren
Colony – Bruce Durham
Searcher – Edward McKeown
The Miraculous Roadside Attraction – Jack William Finley
BDA – Richard Groller
Hell Road Truckers – Michael H. Hanson
If Necessary – Bradley H. Sinor
Pursued by the Tauwu – Shirley Meier
Ragnarok & Roll – Larry Atchley, Jr.
Scent of a Weapon – Bill Snider
Showdown at Brimstone Arsenal – John Manning
The Place of Fear – David L. Burkhead
Chasing the Key – H. David Blalock
A Hard Day at The Office – Michael Z. Williamson
An Unholy Grail – Julie Cochraine
Battle of Tartaros – Chris Morris
More info →Dreamers in Hell
Seven million years on the New Hell Sinday Times bestseller list… The damned are revolting The underworld explodes with excitement as Satan himself rebels against forces from on high. Or does he? Dreams are dashed and strongholds topple as the greatest shared universe of all times convulses with mystery and mayhem. Shakespeare and Marlowe begin a new play to please the Devil…. Satan and Samael plot to expose the unrepentant damned… Before Napoleons eyes, Caesars villa explodes in chaos… Goethe finds out that hell is all around him… Isadora Duncan forgets that dreams can be hell… Hells librarian throws a bash and the damned party down… and down… and down… All over the netherworlds, worse comes to worst as Hells Most Unwanted try assaulting heavens gates and raise more hell than they bargained for….
Fools in Hell – Chris Morris
Alms For Oblivion – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
The Unholy Hole – Nancy Asire
Essence Helliance – Yelle Hughes
Barefoot, On Brimstone – Sara M. Harvey
Ophie and the Undertaker – Shebat Legion
Just Dessert – John Manning
Hell, I Must Be Going – Michael A. Ventrella
Head Games – Bill Snider
Blood and Ash – Tom Barczak
Hellexandria the Great – Sarah Hulcy
The Knife-Edged Bridge – David L. Burkhead
The Wager – Deborah Koren
More Light! – Bettina S. Meister
In the Shadow of Paradise – Jason Cordova
Zero Sum Game – Richard Groller
And the Truth Shall Set You Free – Jack William Finley
The ITTT – Michael H. Hanson
Siegfried’s Blade – Petra E. Jorns
Stairway to Heaven – Edward McKeown
Knocking on Heaven’s Gates – Larry Atchley, Jr.
Hell Bent – Janet Morris
Poets in Hell
The best, the worst, and ugliest bards in perdition vie for Satan’s favor as poets slam one another, Satan’s Fallen Angels smirk up their sleeves, and the illiterati have their day. Find out why the damned deserve their fates as Hell’s hacks sink to new poetical depths! The first Bible writer drafts a deal with the Devil. Attila the Hun learns his punishment’s just begun. Mary Shelley and Victor Frankenstein make a monstrous mistake. Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp get their unjust deserts. Hell’s Undertaker goes on holiday. The Damned Poets Society slams away. A nameless soul shows Dorothy Parker that fame is a bitch.
In the underworlds, injustice always reigns: Join us and our damnedest poets for the crookedest poetry festival in perdition where language comes to die and no rhyme goes unpunished.
Words – Chris Morris
Seven Against Hell – Janet Morris and Chris Morris
Reunion – Nancy Asire
Hell-hounds – Bruce Durham
The Kid with No Name – Jack William Finley
All Hell to Pay – Deborah Koren
Poetic Injustice – Larry Atchley, Jr.
When You Gaze Into an Abyss – Matthew Kirshenblatt
Pride and Penance – Tom Barczak
Grand Slam – pdmac
Undertaker’s Holiday – Joe Bonadonna and Shebat Legion
Red Tail’s Corner – Yelle Hughes
Faust III – Richard Groller
Tapestry of Sorrows and Sighs – Bill Snider
Haiku d’État – Beth W. Patterson
A Mother’s Heart – Bill Barnhill
We the Furious – Joe Bonadonna
Damned Poets Society – Michael H. Hanson
All We Need of Hell – Michael A. Armstrong
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