Chris Morris

Christopher Crosby Morris (born 1946) is an American author of fiction and non-fiction, as well as a narrator, composer, and singer-songwriter. He is married to author Janet Morris. He writes primarily as Chris Morris, but occasionally uses pseudonyms.

Chris Morris began writing music in the sixties, fiction in the eighties, and nonfiction in 1989. Much of his fiction and nonfiction, including all of his book-length science fiction and fantasy, has been written in collaboration with his wife Janet Morris, including two novels under their joint pseudonym of Daniel Stryker and one novel under the pseudonym of Casey Prescott. He has contributed stories to the shared universe series Thieves’ World, Heroes in Hell, and Merovingen Nights and co-authored with Janet Morris five titles in the Sacred Band of Stepsons series.

Under his full name Chris has narrated two Perseid titles for Audible audio books, I, the Sun and The Sacred Band.

Chris Morris writes words and music in multiple idioms. His first recorded band’s members were Janet Morris, Leslie Kuipers and Vinnie Colaiuta. The Christopher Morris Band album, (MCA 2282), produced by Al Kooper and featuring the Tower of Power horn section, was released on MCA Records. The album’s nine songs included eight of his originals and one Otis Redding tune and was Billboard Magazine’s Top Album Pick for its release week.

Enjoy his music here: or

The Fish the Fighters and the Song-Girl

The Fish the Fighters and the Song-Girl

Authors: Janet Morris, Chris Morris
Series: Sacred Band Series, Book 9
Genre: Fantasy

After the Battle of Meridian, new blood and old warriors face unforeseen challenges as one war ends in triumph and another conflict looms. Stories you'll love to hear again and stories you will hear for the first time await in a stand-alone Sacred Band anthology that follows the Stepsons where they've never been before.

Tales of risk and glory, past, present and future, figure in the latest Sacred Band novelized anthology that includes the new title novella, The Fish the Fighters and the Song-girl. Tempus and his Sacred Band won the battle of their dreams, but now the time has come to count the cost and face consequences in fifteen tales, old and new, of the iconic Sacred Band of Stepsons. The collection is comprised of the last six classic Sacred Band stories from the million-selling shared universe, Thieves’ World®. Plus, here are nine new adventures available nowhere else.

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The Little Helliad

The Little Helliad

Authors: Janet Morris, Chris Morris
Series: Heroes in Hell
Genre: Fantasy

In this first-ever full-length Heroes in Hell novel by Janet and Chris Morris, Homer, the famous poet of ancient Greece who wrote The Iliad, receives a travel pass to tour Hell on special assignment from Satan.

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Monsters in Hell

Monsters in Hell

In the Heroes in Hell series, Monsters in Hell continues existing plot lines and relates new stories with characters from all epochs of human history as they struggle against torment and even more common problems derived from their unique personalities and backgrounds. But wait, things are changing, even for the Devil and his subordinates, in ways that will cause exciting change, if not outright liberation . . .

The Green-eyed Monster - Janet Morris & Chris Morris

The Pied Piper of Harmelin - A.L. Butcher 

Dogs of War - S.E. Lindberg

The Tarnished Horde - Joe Bonadonna & S.E. Lindberg

From Hell to Eternity - Joe Bonadonna

Fire in the Blood - Chris Morris & Janet Morris


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In West Berlin, Amy Brecker, an American intelligence officer, takes a chance on a walk-in informant who says that the Soviets are going to simulate an "accident" that will cripple America's space-based defense program.

From a Soviet silo on the Sea of Japan, a single missile rises. A hotline communique from Moscow insists that a mistake has been made; the Soviets are doing everything in their power to abort the "test" flight.

Deep inside Cheyenne Mountain at the Aerospace Defense Command Center, all eyes watch its trajectory: a collision course with America's manned space lab.

If the U.S. chooses to intercept and destroy the Russian missile, the attempt must not end in failure . . . the future of America's entire space-based defense hangs in the balance. Only one U.S. anti-satellite weapon can foil the opening gambit of what might be a Soviet First Strike -- and only Amy Brecker and her "hot stick" pilot have enough of the Right Stuff to use it.

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Liars in Hell

Liars in Hell

Hell is a real place. Anyone who has broken a commandment winds up there. That's pretty much everybody.

Satan is the boss. You're okay until you're not. But never fear, all your friends are here. As well as everyone you've ever heard of.

For what they have been up to lately, be sure to check in. Thrill to new stories by Hell's damnedest: Janet Morris, Andrew P. Weston, Michael H. Hanson, S. E. Lindberg, Joe Bonadonna, Chris Morris, and Richard Groller.


The Seven Degrees of Lying - Janet Morris & Chris Morris

The Liar, the Witch, and the Ward Robes - Andrew P. Weston

Bait and Switch - S.E. Lindberg

Fibbers in Hell - Michael H. Hanson

The Münchhausen Trilemma - Richard Groller

Hell’s Bells - Joe Bonadonna

School of Night - Janet Morris & Chris Morris

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The Stalk

The Stalk

Authors: Janet Morris, Chris Morris
Series: Threshold Series, Book 3
Genre: Science Fiction

The interstitial interpreter had shown Mickey Croft, Secretary General of the United Nationals of Earth, a universe beyond Mickey’s comprehension. That historic meeting had created an Earth ambassadorial mission into the alien space-time dimensions known as “Unity.” And to of Earth’s valuable children had also vanished into Unity, star-crossed lovers fleeing the wrath of their powerful parents. Now the children had returned, bringing a message to Croft. The Unity would welcome expanded contact with the UNE. Bit to accomplish this, Threshold — the space station that was the center of human government, commerce, and entertainment — must be moved out of Earth’s orbit to an orbit around Pluto. The Unity had made its offer, stated its terms. Now the UNE must respond. But how could Mickey Croft make an unbiased decision for all humankind, when his own direct contact with the Interpreter had left him uncertain whether he himself was still completely human?

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Trust Territory

Trust Territory

Authors: Janet Morris, Chris Morris
Series: Threshold Series, Book 2
Genre: Science Fiction

Welcome to the twenty-fifth century.

Joe South, test pilot who’d been lost for five centuries in the unexplored territory known as spongespace, had at last begun to carve a place for himself in this human society that was so different from his own. But he knew, as perhaps no one else did, that the mysterious, seemingly unbreachable Ball — towed insystem by a crazy old scavenger and now floating far too close to Threshold — represented dangers beyond imagining. South had given up trying to tell this to the humans of the United Nationals of Earth, but now things were about to change. Now people would listen and believe. South only hoped it wasn’t already too late.

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Authors: Janet Morris, Chris Morris
Series: Threshold Series, Book 1
Genre: Science Fiction

Set a millennium from now on Threshold Terminal—virtually a Grand Hotel in space— a young test pilot, Joe South, is thrust five hundred years into his future and finds himself in the thick of interstellar smuggling, intrigue, and the rough underworld of an alien environment. It is a time of danger and ever-shifting powers . . . and the destinies of a lost test pilot, an underworld scavenger, and two young lovers become irrevocably intertwined . . .

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Mystics in Hell

Mystics in Hell

Mystic Madness!

Join the doomed on their vision quests in eleven stories by the damnedest writers in Perdition: Janet Morris; A.L. Butcher; Joe Bonadonna; Andrew P. Weston; Gustavo Bondoni; Seth Lindberg; Tom Barczak; Michael H. Hanson; Louis Antonelli; Christopher Crosby Morris.

Mystics in Hell is the latest volume in the notorious Heroes in Hell series of anthologies and novels created by Janet Morris.

A Frame of Mind - Janet Morris and Chris Morris 

The Come Right Inn - Andrew P. Weston

Abode of Woe - A. L. Butcher

Fool's Gold - S. E. Lindberg

The True Believer - Lou Antonelli

By Any Means Necessary - Gustavo Bondoni

Excalibur - Tom Barczak

On the Run - Michael H. Hanson

The Sorcerous Apprentice - Andrew P. Weston 

The Colossus of Hell - Joe Bonadonna

Strange Arts - Janet Morris and Chris Morris

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The 40-Minute War

The 40-Minute War

“After Washington, D.C. is vaporized by a nuclear surface blast, Marc Beck, wonder boy of the American foreign service, prevails on Ashmead, covert action chief, to help him fly two batches of anticancer serum from Israel to the Houston White House. From the moment they establish their gritty relationship, life is filled with treachery and terror for Beck (who) must deal with one cliffhanger after another during the desperate days that follow. This novel shocks us with a sudden, satisfying ending." - Publishers Weekly

“Adventure, suspense, high-tech – this book has it all, from the best new storytellers we have. You have to read this one.” – Dr. Jerry Pournelle, author of The Mote in God’s Eye and Mercenary

“Headlong and vivid – real characters drawn starkly against the catastrophe they race to undo.” – David Drake, author of Hammer’s Slammers

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Sgt. "Det" Cox has just spent three years under psych observation on Earth; now that he's out-system, he isn't about to tell anyone he's seeing aliens again. Paige Barnett has lost everything, even her name, because she knows too much about the rebellion spreading through the Earth-Space mining colonies.

Together Cox and Barnett stumble upon the mystery at the revolution's heart and learn why the rebels are willing to die for it.

Is their discovery humanity's worst threat or greatest gift? The authorities are willing to destroy whole planets to keep the revolution's secret from reaching Earth... What's to stop them from destroying two people?

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Interview with the Devil