Travis Ludvigson is a Warrior Poet with a passion for the written word. He has spent his life reading the histories of both real and imagined worlds, the ideas of ancient philosophers and the sagas of the norse warriors. Whether through writing or in his own life, he strives to express the unlimited potential of the human spirit.
Travis Ludvigson is an author of urban fantasy and historical fiction. He is the creator of The Nephilim Chronicles (Yare’ Darkness Bound and Iron Song), a series surrounding the eternal struggle between the forces of light and darkness. He has also written the novella “Unrelenting,” which tells of heroism and brotherhood whilst facing a creature of myth and legend. His newest work “Night Stalkers,” is part of the anthology “Heroika 1: Dragon Eaters”. This story tells of the deadly exploits of Roland and his Twelve Peers as they embark on a secret mission for the emperor Charlemagne.
Travis has served in U.S. Air Force Intelligence, honed his physical skills by training in the Martial Arts, tested his fighting prowess in a Muay Thai bout in Asia and satisfied his need for adrenaline by leaping from airplanes and diving with sharks.
Heroika II: Skirmishers
Summon the Skirmishers to their eternal purpose, to face a foe who must be opposed at all cost. Gird yourself and join the brotherhood of 'do or die.' Created by Janet Morris and edited by Alexandra Butcher, HEROIKA: SKIRMISHERS is an anthology of desperate struggles in far flung time-scapes, the age old smell of battle and death. SKIRMISHERS --Tales for the bold among you!
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The art of dragon killing:
Dragons have been eating humans for centuries. Now heroes throughout history stalk their legendary foe. Learn how to hunt, kill, and eat the wild dragon. Never before has revenge tasted so good. A literary feast for the bloody-minded.
In Janet Morris' anthology on the art of dragon killing, seventeen writers bring you so close to dragons you can smell their fetid breath. Tales for the bold among you.
HEROIKA 1 -- DRAGON EATERS, an anthology of heroic fiction edited by Janet Morris, features original stories by Janet Morris and Chris Morris, S. E. Lindberg, Walter Rhein, Cas Peace, Jack William Finley, A.L. Butcher, Travis Ludvigson, Tom Barczak, J. P. Wilder, Joe Bonadonna, Milton Davis, M Harold Page, William Hiles, Beth W.Patterson, Bruce Durham, and Mark Finn.
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