Roy Mauritsen (Perseid Press Art Director): Mr. Mauritsen has a background in fine art and is a 20-year veteran of marketing, printing graphic design; his professional career as a graphic designer has also expanded in to TV commercial production in recent years as well. Mr. Mauritsen is also an award-winning artist and photographer. Since 2012, Roy Mauritsen wrote and has had two novels published in his Shards of the Glass Slipper series. Since then he has designed and contributed to over sixty published book covers for a variety of clients. Having worked with publishers from an author standpoint combined with a solid background in graphic art Roy Mauritsen has an all-encompassing understanding of the real world experience of working within the graphic design field and with printing houses. This understanding allows Mr. Mauritsen a unique perspective of creating book covers and marketing materials for authors and publishers that is of a more professional caliber.
Visit his website at https://www.roymauritsen.com/
Shards of the Glass Slipper: Audiobook series
Are You Ready to Go Beyond 'Happily Ever After'? The epic fantasy fairy tale adventure awaits! Listen to the enhanced Shards of the Glass Slipper audiobooks with powerful music and sound effects, narrated by the accomplished Christopher Crosby Morris.
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