JP makes his home with his beautiful wife and family in a suburb of Los Angeles, among a cluttered collection of too-big, cookie-cutter structures. Here he rests each night after a long (and somewhat miserable) commute from the glass monoliths of West Los Angeles, cloistered away from the multi-hued grid of American culture, pretending that he is above it all.
He has donned many uniforms in life, including that of a farmer (or son of a farmer — unwilling [and unable] to claim the expertise of his father in the ways of the land and ranching), a paratrooper, a roofer, a professor and an executive.
And as he has changed and adapted to the world around him, one thing has remained constant: his connection to fantasy fiction and the macabre.
Along with his short story, The Rhyme of the Dragon Queen in the Perseid Press anthology, Heroika 1: Dragon Eaters, he has authored the following:
The Book Dragon, in the Wizards of the Coast Anthology, Realms of the Dragon II
Schade of Night, a paranormal thriller, and
The Crusader series, a series of short stories and novellas about a fantastic crusade and the nature of war.
Heroika I: Dragon Eaters
The art of dragon killing:
Dragons have been eating humans for centuries. Now heroes throughout history stalk their legendary foe. Learn how to hunt, kill, and eat the wild dragon. Never before has revenge tasted so good. A literary feast for the bloody-minded.
In Janet Morris' anthology on the art of dragon killing, seventeen writers bring you so close to dragons you can smell their fetid breath. Tales for the bold among you.
HEROIKA 1 -- DRAGON EATERS, an anthology of heroic fiction edited by Janet Morris, features original stories by Janet Morris and Chris Morris, S. E. Lindberg, Walter Rhein, Cas Peace, Jack William Finley, A.L. Butcher, Travis Ludvigson, Tom Barczak, J. P. Wilder, Joe Bonadonna, Milton Davis, M Harold Page, William Hiles, Beth W.Patterson, Bruce Durham, and Mark Finn.
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